Careers Website Design Specialists | Venn Digital

You've got the story. We provide the recruitment platform.

There's never been a more important time to consider your employer brand value and what you're doing to attract, engage and retain talent.

With 79% of candidates researching a company before applying for a job, your reputation online matters. Your employer brand is the window to your business and often the first impression for potential talent. It embodies your values, company culture and benefits as an employer to ultimately affect candidate decisions and your ability to recruit.

Every brand has a story worth sharing. Despite this, many organisations are still not considering their employer brand's impact on overall business growth. By sharing your unique employer brand proposition online, you can attract like-minded talent to join your team. Stand out from the crowd and increase your applications with a dedicated careers website.

Read the ROC Careers Case Study.

Engage directly with your candidate.

Invest in a new way to attract talent and improve the candidate experience.

With so many brands competing for top talent, the recruitment experience has become crowded and outdated. With a dedicated destination for HR and recruitment, you can optimise your recruiting process and engage with candidates on your own website. 

As experts in recruitment marketing and website design, we understand the challenges associated with talent acquisition. That's why we've created our candidate-first careers website product, to provide employers with the tools needed to grow and build a pipeline of quality talent. 

  • Save money & time
  • Build a pipeline of passive candidates
  • Convert active candidates
  • Support your recruitment partner
Get in touch.

As a business, talent is your most valuable asset.

A strong employer brand allows you to attract top talent and engage with existing employees to retain a happy workforce.

Build a destination customised for your perfect candidates.

A job search may start on LinkedIn, Google or Indeed, but how are you enriching your own platform to drive more traffic and communicate with those looking to learn more about your business? 

With a deep understanding of your candidate personas, we help you design a destination to showcase your employer brand and drive job applications. 

Give candidates a window into your business through content, videos and photography. Our careers websites offer an easy approach to custom website design, meaning you can continue to edit and evolve the site with complete freedom. 

Powered by Vennture.

All of our careers sites are powered by our SaaS recruitment platform. Combining content management with job posting and analytics, Vennture offers everything you need in one single sign-on dashboard.

Attract, engage, and retain top talent online.

The Vennture platform combines content management with recruitment software to enable a seamless hiring process.

You’ll be able to edit your website, manage jobs and track performance all from within the dashboard. 

  • Engage with potential talent through candidate portals.
  • Share and edit content, videos and imagery effortlessly.
  • Post jobs, monitor applications and export candidate data.
  • Analyse trending jobs and manage job alerts.
  • Integrate with your external ATS and CRM systems.

Simple website solutions, powerful technology.

Our recruitment platform allows you to control, manage and optimise the experience for potential candidates.

More than just a job posting tool, the Vennture system allows you to build your employer brand, share content and engage with passive and active talent. Control your brand story, improve HR processes and analyse your site performance all from one place. The user-friendly interface has been specifically designed for non-tech-savvy users, offering drag and drop usability for quick results. 

Give your job seekers a better brand experience with our simple and effective careers websites. 

Discover the Vennture platform.

The building blocks for better employer branding.

01.Prebuilt branded page layouts.

We’ve used our 12 years of recruitment marketing experience to design page layouts that optimise the candidate journey. We have a wide variety of custom website designs for all business types, from SMEs to international organisations. First, we give you the foundations and the technology; then, you drop in your content, imagery and videos.

02.Catalogue of content blocks.

With our easy to use CMS built for recruitment, you can edit pages and create new ones in seconds. Our designers have created a collection of content blocks for you to use and customise. There is no need for complex code; simply drag and drop to build your pages. Enjoy stunning website design made simple.

A destination to support your employer brand and recruitment partner.

Work in partnership with your external recruitment agencies and nurture talent through the candidate journey. With a dedicated careers website, you can engage with potential candidates, give them a place to learn, and improve your brand's reputation online.

Venn Careers

A stand-alone employer brand website to attract future Venn talent.

Explore our Careers Website.

01Help recruitment agencies tell your brand story.

Differentiate yourself from the crowded LinkedIn market with a dedicated destination.

There's a lot of pressure on recruitment agencies to fill vacancies without fully understanding your brand. By building a destination for talent and employer brand, you can support this strategic partnership and give recruiters the tools and content needed to sell your story.

Create a more transparent and effective relationship with your recruitment partner and work closely with agencies to convert the best talent. With our careers websites, you can support your recruiting efforts, save time and money and create a talent pipeline for now and in the future. 

Get in touch.

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